Saturday, January 4, 2020

The mission of the nation in the position of Eve

The mission we are undertaking (4)

Sun Myung Moon March 16, 1975, Tarrytown, New York, Translated by Won Pok Choi

I leave every responsibility to the Japanese members for the Yankee Stadium campaign. So if the Yankee Stadium campaign ends up in failure, the Japanese members must take responsibility. You must feel as though there are no American members working with you, but you alone are doing the job and only you can make it a success. If you feel you cannot make the goal you might as well leave now. Do you understand? (Yes!)

You will not only hurt my feelings, but my reputation as well. The American members will say, "Why did Father bring the Japanese members if they have ended up in failure like that?" Even in Korea many members are struggling hard to come to the United States to work more actively than the Japanese members here, but Father hasn't brought them, for the time being. The Eve nation of Japan must uphold the reputation of Asia.

The other day you brought only 28 people to the workshop. Will that suffice? That's your responsibility! If I drive you out of this country while there are so many problems from the immigration service, then the incentive will burn the hearts of the American members so they might do a better job here. Who are the center leaders here out of the Japanese members?

There must be several at least. Hearing that such a small number of people were led to the workshop the other day, I was shocked. My trust in the Japanese members has been crumbled. Look at the IOWC members working in Japan. They have to bring at least three people in a week's time. Some of the members are bringing three people a day.

Without bringing three or more people to the workshop, they cannot make one solid member in our movement in a week's time. So at all costs you must bring three people to the workshop in one week, and then you can possibly make one solid member out of the three. From now on you must accomplish that goal.

The mission of the nation in the position of Eve is to save the nation in the position of the archangel.

In doing that, those in the position of Eve must cooperate with those in Adam's position. Korea and Japan together must be doing that. Asleep or awake you must be thinking that you are representing the whole 100 million population of Japan. I represent Korea. You must become one with me and strive hard to save this nation of America. I am determined to carry out the mission in three years. I will allow no equal among Americans or among Orientals. That is what I am planning to do with you. We must set up a new standard.

So what have you been doing? Would what you have done be sufficient? Hold up your hands, female members. Female members are larger in number. You must stand in the van, working harder. The male members must be determined not to be defeated by the female members. Through the great three-year projects we are going to lay the solid foundation in this nation.

By doing that, we will be an example to the members who will join later, in the shortest possible period of three years. Do you understand? You will lose your faith if you don't accomplish more than what you could have done in your country. Just think, if you accomplish your mission here through the three great projects, you will become triumphant. Then you will be a success when you are back in your country and Japan as a whole will be successful in the world.

That is what you are making. Later the whole world will be your stage and if the people know that you have been a great success in this country, you will be welcomed with extended arms everywhere in the whole world. Therefore, if you are going to make the Yankee Stadium campaign and the Washington Monument campaign a great success, then I am already thinking of taking pictures with each one of you.

That is my plan and my hope. What will happen if you cannot establish hope anew? If you are going to be triumphant and victorious, then I can boast of you to all mankind. But I will be disappointed in you if you fail to carry it out.

You must never for a moment forget that I rely on you and think that you are so important that you can save this nation. Without your knowing it, I have an account of what you have been doing. I want to be sympathetic with you, but I cannot do that. I am sorry, but at all costs, we have to carry out the mission. I look cool, collected and unconcerned, and I look as though I ignore you; but deep in my heart, rather than being sympathetic, I am more anxious for you to meet the goal and so, sometimes, I am very angry at you.

I kept saying that Japanese members are working so hard while they don't speak the language. If you set the tradition like that then the American members would feel challenged and follow your example, doing better and more work than what you have done. That was my goal -- that was my plan.

What I want to do upon leaving is have you Japanese members leave every piece of clothing and every belonging you have bought here behind, and just go back in the clothing you wore when you came. If I can, I will buy new suits and new clothing, but I will not let you use what you have bought here in this nation.

I have even thought of that kind of thing. Do you know what I feel? Do you understand what I mean? I don't want to be indebted to America and the American movement. I am using my own money to activate this movement in every project. We want to leave some sure tradition wherever we go.

So, history will have witnessed Rev. Moon and his people having set up such a record in the face of difficulties and persecution without the aid of the people of the nation, leaving such a wonderful example to the nation before leaving for their own nation. It is necessary for us to build such a tradition in this nation because that is what this nation is lacking. Then all the population of this nation will follow our example in later days. Do you understand?

You Japanese members must remember that in your country all the members are out on the street selling ginseng tea to raise the money for our activities. Three million dollars worth of ginseng tea every month is the goal. When you think of that you cannot be lukewarm in your heart when you do things everyday. What I wish must be your wish, what I plan must be your plan.

When you think of dignity in the worldly sense, you cannot win the game. You must be blind to the worldly way of life and just steer on, opening the channel to everyone, without leaving any single person that you did not approach. That's what I want you to do. If ten leaders of the ten churches in New York should bring forty members each it means that they will bring 400 members.

Our goal should be more than that but as it now stands you are bringing l/20th of the number. We must deepen our faith fast, and with gnashing teeth, go ahead to accomplish our mission. You must be examples to the American members. Mr. Kamiyama is lucky not to be here. If he were here, I would have scolded him. If you do not accomplish the goal and you abandon it, I will leave it and entrust it to the Los Angeles members.

You see I always have the second lines to carry out the job. Even though you may fail, I will never fail. You must never forget that I am always preparing people in the second line so that what I am thinking of is accomplished, if the first line fails. I am always thinking I should do this. I always encourage Paul Werner to defeat Mr. Kamiyama. That means to have Germany defeat Japan.

Even though you may fail, I have the people on the second line, as I said before. Do you feel it's true or not? Would you have New York be replaced by Los Angeles in the mission? (No!) My original plan was to leave America for Korea yesterday, but there are many things to be straightened up and I must drive the peg in deep, strait, and solid.

What I am planning is to have a public speaking appearance in Korea because I have done that already in other countries, and I must do that in Korea, too. Even though my return will be late, in case I do not come back, I want you to be totally determined to carry out your job as I have entrusted it to you this morning. Can you promise me? Hold up your hands.

Can I trust you? (Yes!) Then I am reassured. 292 more Japanese members will be assembled in New York for this campaign and I want you to be really strongly determined to carry out and meet the goal with the people who are coming. You are to set up the tradition for the American people to follow, and I want you to be able to do that, and I will trust you.

Would you want that? If I want the Japanese members to carry out that much then what will the American members do? Just follow them from a distance or chase them and go ahead of them? (Go ahead of them!) Even though you may have to go through many times more difficulty than the Japanese brothers and sisters the American members have no room to complain.

Will you complain? (No!) Don't you feel compassion for those short little Japanese brothers and sisters working so hard? (Yes!) Back in their own country before coming here, they had worked hard, and now we invited them here and we have been putting them under such hardship. If you American members feel like allowing them to rest for a while as you take up the job, then you can do twice as much work as they can.

Are you going to be that responsible? If you are determined to do that, hold up your hands. This is the mission assigned to us. Are you assigned to the Yankee Stadium campaign or not? Then what are you going to do? In the Japanese way you must cut your belly in case you become a failure. This is no easy job of course.

Every tomorrow must be better than today. You must orient yourself to the fact we are facing... If we are going to be triumphant in the Yankee Stadium campaign, the success in the Washington, D.C. campaign will come automatically. You don't have to worry about that. There is no question about that.

In the providential history, always the second project or the second person of a certain mission is more important and more difficult. Only by being united like a bullet, to explode at the right place can you make it a success. I will give you the reason for my having to make this strategy. The more important the matter is, the faster we must carry it out, or else many obstacles will rise up.

Statistically, people know, especially the existing churches know that we do not have a great number of people in our movement. The FBI knows the statistics. When we made a leap from Lincoln Center to Madison Square Garden, they did not believe that we could carry out the goal. They think it was a miracle that we realized that goal.

After Madison Square Garden, Father became famous all at once. Towards Yankee Stadium, we are going to cover ten times as many people. The general public is thinking, very easily, that we are apt to fail. "Let's wait and see," they will say -- the established church members and FBI. "It is natural that they are going to fail." When we make it a success, they will be horrified and frightened again, but they will again say, "Let's wait and see if they do anything. They will surely be a failure in the Washington, D.C. campaign."

Do you remember how many Catholics and Protestants were killed during the Reformation? That kind of thing is still going on; there is still a battle between Catholicism and Protestantism in Ireland. Would people with that kind of strong fervor about their own denomination leave us alone if we are feeble and weak in our power?

Everywhere, all around, there are established church members watching us. They don't remain still, but protest against us. When they come to attack us but it will be too late. We must be prepared for that. Before it's too late we will do this in no time, in less than three years. Before they organize all the opposing powers in so many countries, they must make contact and get organized – they will find that we already have the flag of victory in our hands, and by that time they cannot do anything against us.

By the time they come opposing us with full power, I will no longer be in the United States, but working across the whole planet, visiting other countries. The personage of Rev. Moon is their target. Would they want to reject Neil Salonen and people like him, or Rev. Moon? (Rev. Moon!) Those people are not worth fighting against, so they will look for Rev. Moon and he will not be in America.

Then the American public will not feel like opposing our movement anymore. With the films about the Madison Square Garden, Yankee Stadium, and Washington Monument campaigns, we can witness to the people everywhere by carrying those films and showing them. By that time, Father's name will be known worldwide. Then I can freely meet the kings and presidents of any nation.

By that time, who knows, while an American President might oppose me, some kings and presidents of other nations may be on my side. If all the white people reject me, and if all the black people and yellow people are on my side fighting for me, what will happen? Our battle will be a success anyway, so I won't have to fight.

I don't want to have it happen of course, but from the information I gather from all sources it is very possible that kind of thing could happen; so my strategy is to have these projects done successfully by the soonest possible date. That's our strategy -- to give them no time to reject us.

We must urgently and quickly develop a strategy, because they need time to cooperate to prepare against us, if the white people are going to be united in their efforts to reject us. The more we love America, the more intensely we must develop such a strategy; so that they cannot defeat us. By the time they understand what is going on we will absorb the people on the evil side. Then they will be grateful to us.

Do you understand what I mean? (Yes!) These two projects will be carried out from 1975 in preparation and through 1976 until 1977 when they will be accomplished. It is wonderful that we have your bicentennial celebration in the year 1976. That is the turning point of the fate of America. If at that point the American people are on our side helping us fight against evil, America will survive and flourish. Otherwise America will decline and perish.

What America lacks and what America needs badly now is an outstanding spiritual leader, a spiritual hero. You have military power, material abundance and ability in every field of life, but what you have lacking is spiritual drive in this country. The government, FBI and CIA recognize that as the primary lack.

If we have that as our position and drive the people towards that goal we cannot help but be winners. Does anyone have hope in the established churches? Do they have hope in Billy Graham? They know that all those people are on the decline. On the other hand, here I am, Rev. Moon, on the scene of America carrying the cannonball to be exploded to change this nation, a spiritual atomic bomb.

The time is sure to come in several years when I will hear people begging me to come back to America to work for this nation. Do you think it is possible or not? (Yes!) Since this nation is a mixture of all the nationalities, if there is a rupture, there is no other power than the Christian ideology of love which can unite them again.

But Christianity is being corrupted, and there must come into being a group that will emerge with the original intention of God to unify the world. The people will have to rely on that group and that group alone will have to accomplish the mission of making unity possible in this nation and elsewhere too. If a rupture comes about in this nation due to racial and national discrimination, then that will be the end of America as a nation.

Up to the present, the Christian ideal alone could amalgamate and cement all the people into oneness. But the Christian ideology itself is being shattered and who can do the job? They will sooner or later realize that only something other than what Christian denominations have been doing, can save this nation. Seen from that viewpoint they will find that the Unification Movement is equipped with everything of that sort.

Don't you think so? (Yes!) So the urgent and speedy strategy is the best of all the strategies. You must bear that in mind. Whether we will make it a success or not will solely depend on the attitude with which we are carrying out our mission. What shall we do? Are you confident? (Yes!) If you really are determined to do that and you are confident to carry it out, hold up your hands in pledge before God.

If you can carry it out this time, by 1980 there will be smooth channels open to reach out to the end of the world. That is going to be our victory. At that time, if we go ahead with this speed, by the time we will have gone through the third seven-year course we will not have to fight anymore. That is the cosmic mission assigned to me and you by God. You must realize that.

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